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Tim Kightley
More about Tim Kightley
Favourite films: “Airplane!” ….. “Surely you can not be serious. I am serious & don’t call me surely”! “Freaks”. “Harvey”.
Favourite books: The Wind Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami (He writes his stories like life really is…. things happening at tangents not in a straight line), The Wimbledon Poisoner – Nigel Williams (The main character tries to kill his wife but accidently keeps killing others). The Book With No Name – Anonymous. Currently going through a trashy thriller stage…. . but just read Haircuts & League Cups The Rise & Fall Of Carson Yeung – Daniel Ivery & Will Giles.
Hobbies: Watching the mighty Birmingham City around Europe. Gym. Cycling. Reading.
Favourite TV Programs: Chance In A Million, My Name Is Earl, Sledgehammer, The Munsters, The IT Crowd, Trigger Happy TV …. yes lots of comedies!